What to Know About Installing a Wood Stove In the Fireplace Opening
A fireplace is not everybody’s cup of tea, so the idea of ditching it and getting the classic wood stove instead comes to many homeowners’ minds.
A fireplace is not everybody’s cup of tea, so the idea of ditching it and getting the classic wood stove instead comes to many homeowners’ minds.
Imagine this – you’re falling behind the firewood prep this season, so instead of cutting some in the spring (as it should be), you do so late in the fall. Can you get it dry enough to be burned the upcoming spring? Will those chilly winter days get the job done, compared to the heat?…
Those who make their own firewood “from scratch” will appreciate this blog post; the question of “what is the way to get the wood out of the woods into your property” is a common one, and i am willing to answer it, in my opinion here, as best as i can…
These are the reasons why a homeowner would be pondering such a question: maybe he wants to find out “the industry standard” stacking speed, so he could brush up his skills? Or perhaps he wants to hire a person or two to do the job, and know what to expect?
What i am about to share here may ruffle up some feathers in the wood burner community, but it has to be said by somebody…
Splitting firewood by hand – can it get any more “cool” than this? In all seriousness though, some kind can become an absolute chore to deal with, essentially ruining the fun aspect of the process…
Isn’t it amazing that we, wood burners, come up with so many great ideas regarding our never ending passion for firewood? Today’s topic is about drying firewood inside of a greenhouse. For some, this idea might seem plain stupid, for others, an actual plan of action, and why wouldn’t that be?
The age old question is finally being answered right here – is stacking firewood bark up better? Or perhaps the other way around?
In order for a chainsaw to perform at its best, the chain has to be sharp. But here’s the deal – how often should you maintain that sharpness? Every hour? Every cord? Every day? What is the golden rule?