The 5 Best Firewood Carts Money Can Buy
A firewood cart is a cart specifically made for moving firewood. Wheelbarrows can do the same thing too, but not as easy or efficiently as a specifically made cart for that reason.

Image by Rick Siderfin via Pixabay
Wheelbarrows more often than not have only one wheel, meaning you have to keep them properly balanced during use to prevent tipping over; they also don’t hold as much firewood as a firewood cart.
You will be also spending more time loading up a wheelbarrow with firewood as it doesn’t support wider range of firewood sizes; the wood will also have to be stacked in a specific way, to prevent it from falling off the wheelbarrow when hauling, which will slow you down even further.
You can’t move a wheelbarrow with one hand; in addition, because most of them have only one wheel, they are sure harder to use even in the slightest mud, snow or ice.
I guess that already explains why you should have a firewood cart instead, so if you do think of buying one, this post will help you decide which one to get, as there are quite a bit to choose from.
The cart comes in two types: with cover and without; the cover can also be purchased separately.
The coverless type is all you need in my opinion, but having a cover will protect the firewood from the weather, especially if constantly kept outside.
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a wood cart is its dimensions, as larger ones can obviously carry more firewood.
This specific one is 43 inches tall, 21.5 inches wide and 26 inches deep, which makes it the largest one on this list (these measurements include the wheel size).
It also weighs only 21 pounds – it’s the second lightest here.
The product has a 1 year manufacturer’s guarantee.
Things to consider before buying
The cart is made from tubular steel, which is not as strong as solid steel, so if you think you’ll need a more durable firewood cart, check out the Vogelzang or Woodhaven ones below, just remember that more durable firewood carts will often weigh more.
In conclusion
Sunnydaze firewood cart (Amazon link), in my opinion, is the best one to choose from, as it is quite lightweight and most importantly, can hold the most amount of firewood than any other cart on this list.
It’s not made from quality steel, but if you will use it properly and not abuse it, it should last.
This firewood mover is slightly smaller than the first one on this list: it’s 42 inches tall, 21 inches wide and 24 inches deep (once again, all the measurements include the size of the wheels too).
Weighs 25 pounds, making it 4 pounds heavier than the first cart on this article.
Things to consider before buying
It is smaller than the first firewood hauler. The bigger product will definitely let you carry more firewood, and while in this case it’s only just about 3.5 inches smaller overall, it’s still a difference that might let you put in an extra piece of firewood.
The product isn’t made from quality solid steel, which might make it bend or even break during more intense, or even regular use.
The additional weight will make it a little harder to use, so if you want to cut back on some of it, you might want to choose the first option.
In Conclusion
The product (get it on Amazon) is definitely not bad, but not the best either. If it would cost a lot less than the first firewood cart on this list, it would make sense to consider it as an option, but as they cost around the same, i really don’t see a reason in buying this exact one (also, you can’t buy it with a cover too).
I guess the other reason why you might want to purchase this firewood cart is if the first one runs out of stock, as they are quite similar in specifications.
Vogelzang LC-37
The first thing you might notice is that this firewood cart looks a lot different than the other ones above.
It has more of a rustic look to it, which undoubtedly makes it look better than majority of what i talk about.
This cart is 45 inches tall, 13.5 inches wide and 16 inches deep (these measurements don’t include the size of the wheels).
Now because it’s made from proper solid steel and not the tubular one, it weighs quite a bit more, that is 39 pounds, making it the heaviest firewood cart on this article. This means that it’s a lot less likely to bend or break than the other tubular steel firewood carts.
Things to consider before buying
This hauler is smaller than many others, which means you won’t be able to carry as much wood as possible.
As you already know, it is heavy; the extra weight comes from the heavy duty construction, but also because of that, it’s definitely going to be harder to use.
The cost of this particular product is generally (depending on the sale) higher than some of the other, especially the two above; i think the added price comes from the higher quality of steel being used, which obviously makes it a lot more durable.
In conclusion
If you want a durable, and great looking firewood cart, then this option is exactly for you, just don’t forget the bigger cost and smaller size.
The Woodhaven
This firewood cart is literally built like a tank. The only part you have to assemble is the wheels, as the whole steel construction is welded – the manufacturer states that you don’t even need tools for that!
And that is why it’s built like a tank, making it probably the most durable cart on this list.
The hauler is 44 inches tall, 13 inches wide and 14 inches deep, and that means it’s the smallest one here (these measurements don’t include the size of the wheels).
Even though the item is made from strong materials, it’s not really that heavy – just 26 pounds.
Has a life time warranty, as is also made in the United States (and who doesn’t love seeing that?).
Things to consider before buying
It’s the smallest wood mover on this list, which obviously means you won’t be able to load it with as much firewood as the larger ones.
It is very expensive. As always, i can’t exactly tell you how much a product costs as prices always fluctuate, but in most cases it will cost at least two to three times more than many of the other alternatives here.
It doesn’t weigh the least either, so if you need a lighter one then go for the first option, or even the one down below.
In conclusion
Is it worth it? I’ll let you decide that. I guess the major selling point here, especially for Americans themselves, is that it’s made in the USA.
The fact that the hauler is made from quality steel is probably why it costs so much more than many others, but obviously because of that it is more durable.
You can check the product out on Amazon.
Plow & Hearth
The cart is somewhere in the middle of all in terms of size – it’s 42 inches tall, 20 inches wide and 22 inches deep.
Also is the lightest, weighing only 18.5 pounds.
It’s the only firewood cart here with a padded handle, which will make it more comfortable to use.
Things to consider before buying
Once again, this hauler isn’t the biggest one you can choose from. Sure it’s the most light, but i would still highly suggest choosing the largest one possible, as you will be able to carry more firewood.
The construction is made from tubular steel, which is why the product is so light; but that could also be a reason for bending or breaking, so if you need a more heavy duty cart, choose the Vogelzang or the Woodhaven.
It is not the cheapest option. It really depends whether you catch the product during sale or not, but without one, it might cost more than even the ShelterLogic firewood cart.
In conclusion
The firewood cart (affiliate link) will do what it’s supposed to do, but i would personally suggest choosing between the first or second one, especially if this specific one interests you, as they can move more wood, and should also cost less.
How to Choose a Firewood Cart
As you have probably already read, there are a lot of different types of firewood carts here, but how do you decide which one to buy?
It all really boils down to personal preference really. I personally suggest to buy the first or the second on this list, and here’s why.
Firstly, they don’t break your budget. Many other firewood haulers i showcase here cost more, or even a lot more.
Secondly, they are the largest in size. As example, when comparing the Sunnydaze and Woodhaven carts you can clearly see which one will hold more firewood, even though one of them includes the size of the wheels in the measurements, and the other doesn’t.
(That’s kind of annoying that i can’t just put all of the firewood hauler measurements in one standard, as that’s because manufacturers state them in different ways).
Those two are also one of the lightest firewood carts, and the lighter the cart, the easier it will be to haul.
But you might appreciate more durable and nicer looking products, and there’s some of those here too.
The Vogelzang and Woodhaven movers will carry less firewood than many other ones here, but they also look a lot better, and at the same time are very durable.
Use Tips
None of the firewood carts here have a liner at the bottom, which means they won’t support logs that are less than 16 inches in length (that’s a standard size when it comes to firewood). Also, because there is no liner, any bark, dust or dirt will fall down.
The problem can be solved by making your own liner – if you just want to carry smaller length logs, you could tie up some cable ties to make a net. If you want to do that and also prevent dirt from falling, you could screw in a plywood or any type of wood board, which would prevent that. (Don’t throw the left off bark and other bits away – it makes great kindling).
Because a cart has two wheels instead of one like a wheelbarrow, it will be a lot easier to roll up the stairs. If you will indeed do so, make sure to not fill up the cart to the top, as it might make it too hard to do so, or the pieces might simply start falling out.
You can easily use the firewood hauler not just for moving firewood, but as an actual rack. Just fill it up with as much wood as you want and leave it somewhere nearby, preferably at least 5 feet away from home, especially if kept for a long time to protect from firewood pests.
Many of the pictures show the firewood carts with firewood in them, but not really filled up to the top most part. Doing so you lose the support of the second rail, but also fill up the cart with more firewood. It poses a bigger risk of losing the wood, but once again, it’s a risk you might take to carry more firewood.
These types of carts can be easily used not just to carry firewood, but really anything else that fits in. At the end of the day, it’s a hauler with a pivot point that’s going to be easier to use than a wheelbarrow.
In Conclusion
If you burn even the slightest amount of firewood inside your home, i really don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t purchase a firewood cart, especially as it’s really better in any aspect than a regular old wheelbarrow.
Great info. Am considering the Woodhaven. Can you tell me how the Woodhaven handles in snow? Or would it be better to have one of the lighter weight ones for snow?
Heavier firewood carts are definitely harder to use in snowier conditions, but considering the fact that the Woodhaven doesn’t weight that much when compared to others, i don’t think it’ll be much of a hassle.
Could you please provide comment on the critical component of wheels. Pneumatic vs solid,materiall, size, bearings, attachment security. Thanks Julius
All of these carts have tiny wheels. I wouldn’t use any of them.
You want a card with big wheels – 20 to 24 inches – to get over terrain more easily, and to haul the wood up deck stairs.